Armacell® & ADDEV Materials

Innovation is at the core of our business. It is on this basis that we have built a strong partnership with Armacell® to meet our customers’ requirements.

Logo Armacell
A sustainable partnership

Armacell® & ADDEV Materials

We share with Armacell® a commitment to providing our customers with sustainable material solutions, in line with our purpose : “Converting industrial challenges into sustainable solutions”.

Our custom cutting capabilities also apply to foams*, allowing us to combine our expertise in converting high performance materials with world-class materials such as Armacell® to provide the best solutions for our customers.

*Skyving foam cutting expertise is available at our Laval facility based in Canada.


Armacell® is a world-renowned manufacturer of flexible foams for equipment insulation. Their expertise is focused on insulation materials for technical equipment, high-performance foams for high-tech and lightweighting operations.

Armacell® develop innovative solutions to answer many industrial applications like electrical & thermal insulation, soundproofing, mechanical assembly… 

Focus on


ArmaFlex® is an insulating closed-cell structure with low thermal conductivity and an in-built vapour barrier. This technology of foam is perfect for demanding applications like fire protection in HVAC systems. 

It is the world’s first flexible technical insulation material with fire class B-s1,d0.

Focus on


ArmaPET® is a sustainable polyester foam offering a recyclable alternative to legacy materials. 

This foam is entirely composed of recycled polyester and offers good properties for many applications.