What are your main professional challenges ?
After my end-of-studies internship at ESDES Business School, Addev trusted me by integrating me into ADDEV MATERIALS CONVERTING (Milwaukee – Wisconsin) as part of an 18-month V.I.E. program. This is in itself a professional challenge that I take up with pleasure.
My role within the finance team consists in organizing, executing and improving ADDEV’s North American reporting with a permanent task of industrial cost control (procurement, production, distribution …), improvement, and implementation of procedures.
My functions have evolved throughout this first year, and others will be entrusted to me in the future. I am aware of the trust placed in me to understand the activities that make up the function of industrial management controller.
What gives meaning to your work?
Despite offers of an internship at the end of my Business School studies within industrial groups in Lyon and Geneva, I chose to join the ADDEV Materials teams. The first contact during the interviews was decisive and essential in my choice of career. The potential of this company, which has now become a group, corresponded to my professional and personal expectations.
A strong motivation, a serene working atmosphere and the feeling that my work has a positive impact on the company are the assets that give meaning to my work.
How do the TEAM values (Transparency/ Enthusiasm/ Autonomy/ Motivation) embody themselves for you?
At ADDEV Materials, Team really means something. In the meantime, I have associated it with other values that I have found in our company such as tolerance, talent, empathy, edaptability and maturity.
Do you have an anecdote about your professional life at ADDEV Materials ?
As a young active person, professional anecdotes are not lacking in challenges that I have had to face at short notice during my assignments.
Since one in particular needs to be mentioned, I opt for a more personal anecdote. ADDEV Materials, wedding incubator! Without context, this is an anecdote that will mark me for life thanks to ADDEV Materials. A marriage proposal by my long-time companion to be able to move to Milwaukee for 2 at ADDEV Materials. A personal fulfillment combined with a rewarding and formative work experience.
What’s your motto?
« If you want life to smile at you, first bring your good mood » Spinoza.