Surface treatments

For certain bonding operations, ADDEV Materials offers surface treatments such as Corona or Plasma.

Corona treatment

Corona treatment involves generating an electrical discharge with electrodes on the surface of a film, increasing its surface energy to improve the chemical connection between the molecules of the film and the liquid applied.

Plasma treatment

Atmospheric plasma technology is used to treat the outermost surface (a few nanometres) of flexible plastic or metal support materials. The process selectively modifies the chemical properties of the substrate or applies a nanocoating to produce a non-stick or adhesion-promoting effect.

Beneficial effects of these treatments :

  • This technology is recognised worldwide as an effective surface treatment for improving film adhesion prior to further processing in extrusion, bonding or printing machines.
  • Long-term stability of treatments
  • Customised selection of the chemical property of the substrate to be modified.
  • The cost is equivalent to, or even lower than, that of more conventional technologies.

Typical treatments :

  • Corona treatment of polyester film
  • Corona treatment of Tedlar®.
  • Corona treatment of PE film
  • Corona treatment of fluorinated film

Typical applications :

  • Preliminary stage before printing, laminating, hot lamination, extrusion, etc.


This process involves applying a layer of aluminium (or another metal), a few nanometres to a few tens of nanometres thick, to a plastic film by evaporating the aluminium in a vacuum. Films can be metallised to vary their optical density. The higher the density, the more opaque the film becomes.

Various films (polyester, polypropylene, Kapton®, etc.) of different thicknesses can be metallised.

Some typical applications:

  • Food packaging, barrier effect, etc.
  • Aeronautics: storage, UV barrier films

Some typical products :

  • Metallised PET
  • KAPTON® metallic
  • PEEK metallic


Thermostabilisation of films makes materials less sensitive to temperature variations.

ADDEV Materials product :

Politherm® heat-stabilised film. This PET film is available in thicknesses from 70 to 125 µm. Once the film has been heat-stabilised, exposure to extreme thermal environments causes virtually no dimensional change.

Some industrial applications of thermostabilisation :

  • Screen printing 
  • Printed electronics