Full-service supplier solutions for a complicated supply chain

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Supply Chain Solutions

Recent supply chain issues within the window & door industry have caused manufacturers to find solutions to constraints linked to material availability, increased costs, and turnaround times. In a recent survey by Industry Pulse, 62% of respondents indicated they will prioritize domestic suppliers over international, as a way to mitigate these risks.

Navigating supply chain issues will certainly create greater tension throughout manufacturing companies. Through material planning, inventory levels can be managed to match anticipated production output. As we have become accustomed to, as of recently, many factors can't be controlled. Taking proactive measures to mitigate supply chain tension, should be a focus in the short term.

As window & door manufacturers begin to look towards other suppliers for their assembly, factoring in the lessons learned over the past few years can help position your company for success moving forward. Sourcing material from multiple smaller companies produces a greater chance of supply chain issues when circumstances arise. These companies tend to have a limited number of partners they work with, so when supply on their end is affected, they are forced to scramble. Larger suppliers, who are able to perform the sum of all of the smaller suppliers, work with multiple partners. When supply chain issues emerge, these companies are capable of sourcing from a range of partners. Identifying full-service, turnkey suppliers, will limit the frustration of traversing the complicated supply chain landscape.

Full-Service Supplier Benefits

Utilizing a full-service supplier has many benefits for window & door manufacturers. The simplest benefit is that it makes the process easier, saving time and energy. Other benefits include:

1. One Contact

When you need to increase your inventory of supplied material with multiple contacts, time and energy is a major cost. One supplier may not be able to fill additional orders, leaving your buyers frantically searching for suppliers to step in. Determining a full-service supplier can eliminate these situations, providing a sense of security when it comes to your material inventory.

2. Material Sourcing/Knowledge

A turnkey supplier is going to be able to provide a wide range of options when it comes to types of material. This allows for flexibility when certain supply chain restraints are encountered. The material sourcing and knowledge of a full-service supplier is greater due to the sheer number of partners.

3. Technical Support

With preferred access to partners, a turnkey supplier can utilize research & development teams to identify solutions that match the problem. This sort of access can be vital to developing innovative applications for future use or when an alternative is necessary.

4. Stocking Program Options

With supply issues intensifying over the past few years, and an unknown future, multiple strategies are important to consider. Just-in-time versus just-in-case inventory management will become a centre of debate. Having a turnkey supplier that can be as flexible as the ever-changing supply landscape can be the reason production levels continue. A full-service supplier willing to integrate stocking programs is a key takeaway from the frustrations experienced over previous years.

Added Value

In an industry where the suppliers chosen relies heavily on price, be sure to factor in time and value. A supplier should be adding value on top of the service, rather than costing you time and resources. Working with an added value supplier will fulfill value beyond the service.

Full-Service Suppliers

All window & door manufacturers rely heavily on adhesive applications. Utilizing multiple adhesive converters can maximize the potential for supply issues. A full-service adhesive converter should be able to supply all the following:

  • Chimney Block
  • Setting Block
  • Glazing Tape
  • Corner Gasket
  • Sash Gasket
  • Weep Hole Foam
  • Sill Pad
  • Pivot Bar Seal
  • Foam Wrap
  • Stiffener Bar Attachment Tape
  • Muntin Bar Attachment Tape
  • Backer Rod Foam
  • Dust Blocks
  • Protective Film
  • Protective Cork Pads
  • Silicone Sealant
  • Nitrile Sealant
Window & Door Solutions

Full-Service Solution

At ADDEV Materials, we operate as a full-service converter for the window & door industry. We can provide converted adhesive tapes, foams, and cork for all of your application needs.

Thanks to our partnership with multiple world-class material suppliers, we have the ability to source similar material during inventory shortages. We can help identify a temporary solution, without sacrificing product performance.

Along with our partnerships, we carry preferred converter status with material suppliers. This allows us to work with supplier scientists and experts to identify a solution tailored toward a specific challenge. Noto only can ADDEV Materials service your current needs, but we can also provide research and development assistance for future applications. This can be a major advantage when materials become unavailable, or designs need to adapt to comply with energy efficiency regulations.

As a consecutive EcoVadis gold medal winner for corporate social responsibility, ADDEV Materials is poised to assist window & door manufacturers in developing sustainable applications for smart and green buildings.

With locations in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, we offer solutions no matter where your needs lie. This provides a cost advantage when factoring in the rise of shipping costs, especially internationally.

In working with window & door manufacturers over time, we have shaped our expertise on materials, as well as converting knowledge. We employ experts who have been a part of the window & door industry for over 20 years.

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