ADDEV Materials

First environmental policy to formalise our approach

In 2021, ADDEV Materials formalised its environmental policy. It lists the progress objectives that the Group has set itself and the measures for achieving them, in order to play its part in the ecological and energy transition.


After carrying out its carbon assessment in 2020 on scopes 1 and 2, ADDEV Materials is focusing on scope 3 in 2021. The aim is to integrate all the emission items linked to its activity, with raw material purchases accounting for 95 % of its greenhouse gas emissions.

To accelerate its energy transition, ADDEV Materials is taking part in two new initiatives from its shareholder Bpifrance: the Coq Vert Community for discussions with entrepreneurs and the Decarbonation Accelerator, a 24-month programme to help SMEs define their energy transition objectives and put in place action plans to reduce their emissions.

Its objectives will be refined at the end of this programme, but the Group has already drafted an environmental policy based on the national low-carbon strategy, with a target of reducing emissions from scopes 1 and 2 by 25 % by 2030.

The action plan

As is already the case in France, ADDEV Materials is committed to switching all its sites to green electricity, with the energy mix varying from country to country. The 2022 budget includes investments to make its buildings more energy-efficient: better insulation, switching to LED lighting for production buildings, refurbishing windows, etc. An analysis of how production sites operate is also being carried out to optimise gas and electricity consumption. Finally, employees are encouraged to use electric vehicles and the use of electric or hybrid company cars is encouraged.

In the same way that its customers are pushing it to accelerate its decarbonisation by increasing the proportion of bio-sourced or alternative products, ADDEV Materials is mobilising its suppliers to work together to find solutions that have less impact on the environment.

In terms of recycling, 100 % of waste is sorted on site and 29 % is recycled or recovered. ADDEV Materials intends to move forward by finding new ways of recycling and reclaiming its waste.

As preserving the environment is everyone's business, employees are made aware of these issues through concrete actions and participation in Earth Day.