Interview de Carole Venouil, Industrial Unit Manager
Interview of Carole Venouil, Industrial Unit Manager

Name: Carole Venouil
Role: Industrial Unit Manager
Seniority, responsibilities and experience at ADDEV: 35 years
- Technifilm (22 years)
- ADDEV MICEL (13 years)
ADDEV Materials:
What studies have you done and why?
Carole Venouil:
I took a Brevet Technicien Supérieur Secrétariat de Direction Trilingue Option Droit Public et Administratif because I was very interested in international trade.
ADDEV Materials :
The industry sector is considered to be a male domain. In this context, how did your integration go?
Carole Venouil :
I have always worked among men and this has not really been a problem. Sometimes it took me longer to be accepted by certain male personalities, but it was possible with perseverance. As soon as you prove yourself, you are respected and trusted.
And even if in surface it can appear to be a men industry, the women network is very powerful and this always surprise me how women are willing to share, support, promote and trust their peers. So, I would definitely say that integration was smooth and natural.
ADDEV Materials :
What assets and difficulties have you encountered in your career?
Carole Venouil :
ADDEV Materials offered me opportunities and I was able to work in different departments: Sales, Support, Logistics and Production. However, these opportunities and job changes have required me to constantly challenge myself and be determined. My latest management assignments have contributed to my professional development.
ADDEV Materials :
In your opinion, and with your experience, have things changed for women in recent years and what difficulties remain (studies and companies)?
Carole Venouil :
Things have changed enormously in recent years and in a good way. Companies are offering more positions of responsibility to women and giving them more recognition. However, there is still work to be done to erase the inequalities between men and women (wage gap and sexism in some companies).
In addition, the big change is that women are no longer afraid or embarrassed to respond to an inappropriate remark and to report any behaviour that makes them feel uncomfortable. Also, I now often see my male friends being more offended than me by an inappropriate behavior that I am, so I deeply hope we are the last generation to consider gender equality at work as a matter to address before it becomes normal.
ADDEV Materials :
What advice would you give to women who want to go into a profession like yours but also to employers looking for industrial profiles?
Carole Venouil :
I would tell women to believe in themselves, that with rigour, communication, empathy, humility, and exemplarity, they can occupy positions of responsibility.
I would advise employers to trust women because they are capable of adapting to many positions, even in industry.