For a company, it is important to monitor its ESG indicators in order to measure its extra-financial performance and prepare for tomorrow's world, or rather today's world. Our investors analyse the risks and opportunities associated with these extra-financial criteria: for ADDEV Materials, which processes plastics and chemicals, regulations will impose increasingly demanding frameworks. It is therefore preferable to anticipate these developments and make sustainable development a major part of our transformation strategy.
ADDEV Materials has already started to work on the impact of its products and services, notably with the G-Pack initiative, which aims to reduce the impact of packaging, and Product Life Cycle Analyses. This shows that the company is taking sustainable development issues in hand right along the value chain.
A signatory of the Global Compact since 2012 and assessed by Ecovadis for the past 10 years, ADDEV Materials has structured its ESG approach over the years and integrated sustainable development into its business model and offering. We have established a CSR policy based on 4 fundamental pillars: Entrepreneurship, Governance, Growth and Preservation, and defined a raison d'être: "Converting industrial challenges into sustainable materials solutions". Since 2020, we have embarked on our ecological and energy transition and carried out an annual Carbon Footprint, extended to the international scope of our sites. We recently defined a climate strategy with a decarbonisation roadmap and an associated action plan.
The year 2023 will be punctuated by a new round of financing and a change of investor, and ADDEV Materials knows that extra-financial performance is just as important as its extra-financial performance. A company committed to sustainable development is no longer just a company that investors want to invest in; it is a prerequisite for any investment. ADDEV Materials needs to reinvent its business model to ensure the company's long-term future and guarantee a sound investment for future shareholders.
Investors also have a vital role to play, as they challenge us and help us to compare our ESG performance with that of similar companies, to ensure that we are always improving and at the best possible level. ADDEV Materials is a good example of a traditional company that has embraced sustainable development: we actively participate in webinars to share our best practices with other companies in our eco-system.