ADDEV Materials knows that the company's Ecological and Energy Transition, in particular by reducing its carbon footprint, can only be achieved in symbiosis with its stakeholders. Decarbonisation is everyone's business and we need everyone's help to achieve it! ADDEV Materials wants to mobilise its employees as much as possible so that they participate in the decarbonisation of the company. Management has therefore decided to introduce a CSR profit-sharing supplement.
The employees concerned are those attached to a site that already has a profit-sharing agreement. Next, ADDEV Materials looks to see if the site's carbon footprint has been reduced (energy, waste, travel), and if this is the case, then the site's employees will be eligible for additional CSR profit-sharing.
ADDEV Materials relies on its employees to carry out eco-gestures on a daily basis in their work, such as switching off their computers in the evening and at weekends and unplugging their chargers, sorting and deleting their emails, limiting the temperature of the heating and the use of air conditioning, switching off the lights, and so on. At the same time, the Group has launched a number of initiatives, such as assistance with soft mobility for home-to-work journeys (sustainable mobility package), on-site waste sorting procedures, electrification of the car fleet, etc.