For the first time, at the end of 2021, ADDEV Materials carried out an employee satisfaction survey. This "engagement barometer" attracted a participation rate of 73 % and a score of 3.48/5.
The aim of the employee satisfaction survey was to gain a better understanding of how employees perceive ADDEV Materials. The aim was to understand how they see themselves within the organisation, what they appreciate and what they expect from it, to take the pulse of the Group at any given moment and to identify areas for improvement.
It was carried out in November 2021 among all ADDEV Materials employees, i.e. almost 650 people spread over 15 sites. To optimise its success and avoid any language barriers, the questionnaire was made available in the main languages used within the Group: French, English, Polish, Dutch and Spanish. The administration of the questionnaire and the processing of the results were entrusted to Windoo, a specialist service provider, in order to preserve the confidentiality of individual responses. The questionnaire was distributed online and operators who did not have a professional e-mail address were given access to it by means of computer workstations and a temporary access code.
Although ADDEV Materials is made up of entities that were acquired at very different dates, the results were relatively consistent across the different organisations. They were reported anonymously at Group, country, entity, site and perimeter level.
The most positive results concerned: commitment to work in order to meet the objectives set by the company; perception of the managerial relationship - managers who act with respect and kindness; the autonomy offered by managers on a daily basis.
On the other hand, areas for improvement have been identified in terms of the perceived recognition of efforts and work done; the perceived usefulness of the various HR initiatives on offer for professional and personal development; and finally, the desire of employees for more frequent and recurring social events to maintain the level of cohesion between and within teams.
The results were analysed by the management and HR teams. The key figures were shared with the teams in January 2022, following which the first action plans were implemented.
The next survey has been scheduled for June 2022 to measure the progress of these employee engagement indicators, and this operation will be repeated every six months to monitor their evolution.