What are the cutting processes for insulation and technical films offered by ADDEV Materials?

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When they leave the manufacturer’s premises, electrical insulators are available in rolls or boards. ADDEV Materials puts its expertise at the service of its customers by proposing the functionalization and the cutting of these insulators, in order to meet the specifications of the most demanding customers.

Electrical insulation cutting processes that adapt to specific needs

The techniques for transforming electrical insulators depend on both the starting materials and the customer specifications. ADDEV Materials thus offers three types of custom cuts as well as the machining of massive parts.

1. Roll cutting

Roll cutting is for films stored in reel form . Several methods are available depending on the needs.

on roll slitting
  • Cutting is used to cut already wound rolls;
slitting & rewinding
  • Slitting consists of cutting large rolls into small rolls; it allows to divide a reel into rolls of different widths and lengths;
  • Film spooling is used to create rolls of several kilometers, for large volumes;

ADDEV Materials also has slitting machines to unwind and rewind coils while performing continuous cuts;

2. Format cutting

Format cutting is for all flexible products . It consists of cutting products in formats such as A3, A4 or any other format specific to a customer.


3. Cutting into pieces

Cutting into pieces is dedicated to thick materials (thickness to be specified). Four types of processes are possible for cutting into parts for high precision sectors such as electronics, medical or aeronautics. ADDEV Materials is able to produce:

  • rotary die-cuts on film, adhesive or paper,
  • laser cuts,
  • digital cutting for small series
  • as well as die-cutting for medium and large series.
insulation pieces

4. Machining

Traditional machining (sawing, milling, turning) or by numerical control makes it possible to produce complex massive parts with reduced tolerances, without tooling costs.

ADDEV Materials has machines suitable for machining parts of all sizes, to meet the needs of small and medium series. ADDEV Materials is able to machine the following materials:

  • Thermosetting (polyester or epoxy glass mat, epoxy or silicone glass fabric, Mica, etc.),
  • Thermoplastics (POM, PMMA, HDPE, PA 6.6 …)
  • polycarbonate
  • Electrical Insulators,
  • Thermal insulation

What is ADDEV Materials' expertise in electrical insulation?

When it comes to electrical insulation, ADDEV Materials stands out thanks to:

  • More than 50 years of experience in the field of electrical insulators ;
  • A great knowledge of insulating materials;
  • An ability to evolve and adapt. Originally a distributor of materials, ADDEV Materials has thus become a processor of high performance materials .
  • Operating around three Product – Process – Services (PPS) divisions, ADDEV Materials is a key player in the value chain in its strategic markets;
  • The development of specific processes to meet the needs of strategic markets such as aeronautics, automotive, energy or rail.

2 examples of tailor-made customer support by ADDEV Materials

Example 1- Cutting laminated parts on plan

A customer needs 10 insulation cut from boards and a 2D plan provided in DXF format. ADDEV Materials will be able to meet this demand because it has digital cutting machines that can produce small series. In addition, thanks to prototyping , it will be possible to check that the part corresponds to the needs of the design office and to correct if necessary before launching the series or the final tooling.


Example 2- Cutting and gluing of rolls

A customer wants 20 cm and 10 cm polyester insulation rolls, containing an adhesive layer. ADDEV Materials will therefore turn to the manufacturer who will supply it with 1 m uncoated polyester rolls. First, these raw rolls will be glued then they will be cut into smaller rolls and sent back to the customer, ready to be used.


Why is this expertise an added value for ADDEV Materials customers?

ADDEV Materials offers real added value to its customers. The expertise of its teams thus enables:

  • To gain in productivity

With its tailor-made or custom cutting solutions, ADDEV Materials is able to deliver to its customers materials that can be used directly on their production lines, which represents a definite gain in productivity.

  • To limit falls for our customers

With an integrated machine park, ADDEV Materials delivers to its customers the product cut to measure, to adapt perfectly to the final use. There are therefore no waste to manage for the customer; the product is perfectly suited to the application.

  • Find a format that suits your needs

The role of ADDEV Materials is to transform the insulating films in order to adapt them to the needs of the customers , whether it concerns a few parts or several tens of tons of material. In this way, ADDEV Materials positions itself closer to the customer’s needs.

  • Exchange with experts in their field

ADDEV Materials has been a specialist in electrical insulation for over 50 years. Thanks to its international presence, ADDEV Materials is thus able to guide any customer and support him in the development of his product.


Because it has both the technical knowledge and the necessary means of transformation, ADDEV Materials is a privileged interlocutor for the supply of tailor-made and quality electrical insulation materials.

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