Systems Protection & ADDEV Materials

Innovation is at the heart of our business. It is on this basis that we have built a strong partnership with Systems Protection (a Tenneco Group company) to meet our customers' requirements.

Logo Tenneco
Logo Federal Mogul
A strong & strategic partnership

Systems Protection & ADDEV Materials

Systems Protection (a Tenneco company) and ADDEV Materials are long-standing partners who work together to meet their customers' industrial challenges.

For many years, ADDEV Materials has been an authorised distributor of Federal mogul (Systems Protection) sheaths mainly in France and Poland. Thanks to our historical distribution capabilities and Systems Protection's wide range of sheaths, we can offer our customers cable protection solutions in many industries.

Systems Protection is supporting us in the rail market. 

Systems Protection (a Tenneco Group company)

Systems Protection is an American Tier 1 automotive supplier specialising in the manufacture and distribution of exhaust systems and shock absorbers for both the original equipment and aftermarket.

Through its four business groups, Motorparts, Performance Solutions, Clean Air and Powertrain, Systems Protection is advancing global mobility by providing technology solutions for diverse global markets, including light vehicles, commercial trucks, off-road vehicles, industrial, motorsport and the maintenance market.

Focus on


Through Federal Mogul, Systems Protection supplies a wide range of ducting products for many applications: 

  • Mechanical protection
  • Fire protection
  • Thermal management
  • EMI shielding
  • Electrical insulation